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Channel 7 reported- “A Cobb County mother was charged with an act punishable by law because she allegedly let her 10-year-old son get a tattoo in memory of his brother.”


Mother inked his 10 year old child

Chuntera Napier, of Acworth, told Channel 2 that her 12-year-old son, Malik, was struck and killed by a motorist in Macon about two years ago, and her other son, Gaquan, wanted a tattoo like hers in the memories of his late brother.

Chuntera Napier also said –“My son came to me and said, ‘Mama, I want to get a tattoo with Malik on it, rest in peace,’” Napier said. “It made me feel good to know to know that he wanted his brother on him.”

She said she did not know it is illegal in Georgia to tattoo anyone under the age of 18.

“What do I say to a child who wants to remember his brother? It’s not like he’s asking me if I can get him a Sponge Bob,” she said. “He’s asking me for something that’s in remembrance of his brother. Well, how do I tell a child no?”

Chuntera Napier took her son to a tattoo artist in Smyrna to get tattoo art.

When the child went to school, someone noticed the tattoo of her child and called authorities and give report about the 10-year-old child tattoo. After this authorities took action and arrested Napier at Tuesday and she spent that day and Wednesday morning in jail. In addition to the child cruelty count, she was charged with being a party to a crime. She has since been released to await a March court hearing.

“I always thought if a parent gives consent, then its fine,” Napier said. “How can somebody else say it’s not OK? He’s my child, and I have a right to say what I want for my child.”

Acworth police Chief Mike Wilkie disagreed and He told Channel 2 that police had no choice but to arrest Napier after investigating and consulting with the Cobb County District Attorney’s Office and Solicitor’s Office.

“We hope they can find something that can sustain them through that loss, but this is not the way, and it is illegal, and it was something we were bound by the law to investigate and to prosecute,” Wilkie said.

Police now want to speak with the person who illegally tattooed to Gaquan.


Some parents have been arrested before in Georgia for illegally inking their children tattoos-

1- Some couple of month back, a man in Floyd County, in northwest Georgia, was found guilty of inking a tattoo design to a person under 18 after he tattooed “DB,” for “Daddy’s Boy,” on the shoulder of his 3-year-old son. He was sentenced to 12 months’ probation and fined $300.

2- A couple of years ago, a couple in Summerville, also in northwest Georgia, were arrested and charged with cruelty to children, reckless conduct and illegal tattooing after they allegedly gave all six of their youngsters, ages 10 to 17, small cross tattoos.

4 Responses so far.

  1. Kairii says:

    I’m so glad that the internet alolws free info like this!

    • ItatBlog says:

      Yeah Kairii and we appreciate when people across the world share more info. TC.

    • Martha says:

      No one can tell you how painful it’s going to be bcuseae everyone has a different pain tolerance. I found my tattoo behind my ear to not hurt at all except when I got it touched up it hurt a bit. The first go around, it felt more like tickling than anything. Because it’s such a small area, anything you put back there is going to be small my tattoo probably took less than 15 minutes (it’s a music note) and I think even if it had hurt that it would have been such a short tattoo that it wouldn’t have mattered. When you take a shower you just need to be ware of it and make sure your shampoo and conditioner don’t trip onto it bcuseae the fragrances in it can be really harmful. It wasn’t that difficult but it was just something I had to focus on.

  2. Your Questions About Ear Piercing Pain Scale says:

    […] Crossing the Language Barrier of Pain Scales: #Rheum Blog CarnivalAsk Piercing – can you have a surface piercing on your foot/ankle4 Funny Things about Pain Scale ChartsWhat’s Your Pain ToleranceBlood, Poop and Tears – Supporting the Colitis, Crohn's, Ostomy, and J-pouch community one butt joke at a time.Mother Arrested For Illegelly tattooed her 10-Year-Old Child : Tattoo Blog […]

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