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Jennifer Lopez`s toyboy lover Casper Smart has got pop diva`s name inked on his body.

Jennifer Lopez's With Her Boyfriend

Jennifer Lopez's With Her Boyfriend

Smart, 24, has reportedly had the `American Idol` judge`s named etched onto his body and the singer is said to love his new artwork, reported Female first online.

A source told In Touch Weekly magazine: ””Jennifer thinks Casper`s tattoos are sexy, but this one is her favourite, for obvious reasons. She loves it, and she loves him.”

Lopez, who has four-year-old twins Max and Emme with former husband Marc Anthony – recently praised Smart.

She said: ”He’s adorable. But you already see that. He’s a good egg. I don’t want to talk about it too much. It’s my private thing.”

Though she is happy with the dancer, the ‘On The Floor’ hitmaker has admitted splitting with Marc was ”really, really sad”.

She said: ”Without going into detail … it’s just really, really sad.


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