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Tattoo: Man arrested for illegally tattooing

People need to aware this things people needs to understand it is harmful their health.

ItattoozAccording to the police report, “April 04, A 29-year-old Georgetown man was charged with illegally tattooing in his storage shed behind his home.”

Stoney William Sanders, 29, was released Tuesday on $2,500 bail after he was booked into the Georgetown County Detention Centre the day before on a tattooing charge, according to authorities.

According to police, “This is the second arrest in a week where men have been charged with tattooing people illegally.”

Few weeks before of Sander’s arrest, On March 27,”Robert Kenneth Baker, 28, of Socastee was charged with three counts of tattooing and an unrelated failure to appear in court. He is being held on $4,500 bond on the tattooing charges and without bail on the failure to appear charge, according to J. Reuben Long Detention Centre Records.”

Underground tattooing has always been a problem, but Terri Pierce, an owner of Hole in the Wall located in Conway, said she has seen more people coming in for cover-ups of tattoos they received in someone’s house.

The rules are clear, Pierce said, only a tattoo artist working in a tattoo shop that is licensed by the state Department of Health and Environmental Control and the local municipality where it is located can tattoo someone who is age 18 or older.

“Nobody knows what the laws are in the state,” Pierce said. “It’s really ashamed that this is still going on.”

Pierce said she has seen adults and parents, who bring their 18-year-old children, into her shop and spend $400 to cover-up a $50 tattoo they got in a backroom somewhere.

“It’s so dangerous. There’s a lot of tattooing going on underground and it shouldn’t be that way. A safe tattoo is first and foremost,” Pierce said. “We don’t like doing cover-ups. We love what we do.”

DHEC rules show tattooing should be done in a shop that is licensed and by a trained artist. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to get a tattoo, even with parental permission, according to the DHEC tattoo regulations. A shop must be inspected by health officials and licensed.

According to the police report, Sanders was arrested Tuesday after someone called police to report he was tattooing several women in a shed behind his house on Stono Lane in Georgetown County. When officers arrived they saw Sanders tattooing a 23-year-old woman on her side and she told police she paid $40 for it.

Sanders told police that he had worked at a tattoo shop in Andrews, but was now unemployed and did not know it was illegal to tattoo friends, according to the report. Sanders was set to tattoo two other women, ages 24 and 20, who each paid $50 for their respective tattoos, but they did not receive them because police arrived.

Deputies seized a tattoo machine, tattoo photo books, sealed needles, tattoo paint latex gloves and other items from the shed, that had no running water and electricity was provided through an extension cord from the house, according to the report. Deputies noted the shed was not sanitary and had cigarette butts and trash on the floor as well as a trash can full of paper towels with ink on them and needles.

In the Horry County incident last month, police said they charged Baker after the mother of a 16-year-old girl reported to police on March 12 that she learned her daughter had gotten a tattoo without her permission the day before, according to the report. The woman was notified by a school nurse when the girl went to get ointment for the tattoo because it was irritated.





The teen said she went to support her friend, who paid $40 for her tattoo, but was talked into getting a tattoo and Baker did hers for free, according to the report. The teen also told police that Baker said he once worked in a tattoo parlor and that he smoked marijuana during the incident.

Why does people get tattoo to unlicensed tattoo artist? Why does they not think it isn’t illegal and it is harmful their health?

Please reply your suggestions and share your suggesstion with millions of people who get tattoo to unlicensed tattoo artist..

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