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Tips For Caring New Tattoo

  • First and the most important tip is not to remove bandage for next 2 hrs of completion of your tattoo.




  • At the time you remove bandage and wish to wash your tattoo, just use lukewarm water and mild antibacterial soap.
  • Please do not use a washcloth or any other washing aid.
  • Pat dry (Don’t rub!) the area firmly with a clean towel or paper towel to get it completely dry.
  • Don’t soak the tattoo in water or let the shower pound directly on it.
  • Try to avoid direct sea, swimming pool & workouts until healed.
  • After your tattoo is healed, protect it from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
  • In case of swelling and redness use ice.
  • Once the scab flakes totally – oil your tattoo regularly once a day for the next two months, for your tattoo to get even, to draw out the colour, to look more exotic and outstanding.
  • Occasionally leap oiling your tattoo, to maintain it for the rest of your life.
  • If you have any queries, doubt about tattoo or face any problem then contact your tattooist immediately.


* Enjoy your beautiful tattoo, its special.

8 Responses so far.

  1. Caring For A New Tattoo | Hot Tattoo Designs says:

    Tips For Caring New Tattoo <3

    • ItatBlog says:

      Cool you loved it.

      • Wai says:

        For the most part yes. However, and this is not a rule or law just a respect thing, if you have a atttoo artist spend the time and effort on drawing a piece for you, usually you should get that atttoo from that artist. It’s sort of like an unwritten law kinda thing. Unless you completely hate the design and work in which case I would wonder why you went to that artist in the first place. Anyways, the point is NO they should not charge you to draw it but if you get the atttoo they should do it.

    • Angie says:

      Hey Demi! I just wanted you to know how much you have iersipnd me, i have struggled with many of your problems and I’m still struggling with one major one now: a broken heart. You get me through everyday when I listen to your songs. And you’re INCREDIBLY talented in both singing and songwriting and so beautiful! You know that many girls would kill to look like you- you’re beautiful the way you are demi- don’t think otherwise!! And I’m a singer as well and I write my own music now which is iersipnd by your songs I love you! and I hope to meet you some day.

  2. Namari says:

    I much perefr informative articles like this to that high brow literature.

  3. Aboubacar says:

    Creams do not work. They do not go deep enough (my frined tried it on some homemade tattoos she did, and it didn’t do much). Lasers can remove most of the tattoo, but there will be a scar as well as a trace of the tattoo. I would personally talk to a dermatologist about it.And I am just wondering why the conflicting info? On this question you say it’s for your brother, but on another question about Tat Gone Ink, you say it’s for your boyfrined?

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